Can I use Purition to help me follow a very low calorie diet (VLCD)?
If you would like to start a weight-loss journey on your own (without medical supervision) and think that a very low-calorie diet may be suitable for you, then the answer is no.
But if you have been specifically prescribed a VLCD by a medical professional, you may be able to use Purition.
A VLCD is a clinically supervised diet that usually involves replacing normal food with meal replacement products. It involves eating approximately 800-900 kcal per day, usually for a short period of time and a maximum of 12 weeks.
A VLCD must always be prescribed by and closely monitored by health professionals and is only recommended for specific cases. It should not be routinely used without medical supervision and is not suitable for most people.
Of course, VLCD with or without complete meal replacement therapy exists for good medical reasons, so if you have been specifically prescribed a VLCD by a medical professional, you may be able to use Purition. Before you do so, please discuss your individual dietary needs with your healthcare professional.
Please be aware that Purition is not a ‘total meal replacement’ to be used exclusively for a VLCD. Purition on its own will not provide all the necessary nutrients you need for optimal health, so you should not use Purition as your only food source.