Purition fuels Kristian Ultra Runner

What are your plans for the summer? Relaxing on the beach, family celebrations or perhaps the odd BBQ with friends… What if they involved a marathon – not just any marathon (although that’s still a big deal!) but an ultra-marathon covering 2189 miles across 14 American States? Well this is what Kristian Morgan (@ultrarunningcoach) has lined up for his summer!
In just over a month Kristian will be setting off to the other side of the Atlantic ready to take on the Appalachian Trail (AT). Starting on the 1st July 2019, he will run northbound from Springer Mountain in Georgia to Mount Katahdin in Maine. And if that’s not challenge enough he’s attempting to do it all in world record time (under 41 Days, 7 hours, 39 mins)!
Having read about the support we offered the fantastic Team Row4Victory, Kristian approached us earlier this year. We’re so pleased he did and are delighted that he’s chosen to include Purition in his diet to help fuel his ultra running lifestyle. Each serving offers a good dose of protein, natural fats for energy and a load of naturally occuring vitamins and minerals – ideal for his adventure of a lifetime.
Backed by a great support team of friends and family, Kristian is ready and raring to go. We’re lucky that he’s taken some time out of his training to have a quick chat with us about his upcoming challenge and the prep that goes with it…
Thank you Kristian and over to you…
What first made you want to take on the Appalachian Trail?
My friend Karel Sabbe (current Appalachian trail world speed record holder) asked if I would like to pace him whilst he went for his record attempt last year.
I said yes and spent 15 days on the trail with him. During this time I felt as if I had come home, the wildlife (including bears) mountains in every direction and a feeling of being at one with nature compelled me to return one day for my own record attempt.
How long have you been training for this adventure of a lifetime and what’s been your biggest challenge?

It takes a lifetime to build the physical and mental endurance needed to attempt this type of challenge. I started running marathons over 20 years ago, then 10 years ago I began running ultra marathons (any distance greater than marathon) and 5 years ago I began running 100 mile ultra marathons. So as you can see I have slowly been climbing the endurance ladder.
I do train for each individual event and for the Appalachian trail I consider the 15 days I spent last year with Karel as a valuable training experience (I ran for 10 hours per day for 15 days). This year I have been running 100 miles per week in preparation. I also include yoga every day and a few days each week I lift weights in the gym to keep my body strong.
What about nutrition? What role does Purition play in this?

As an ultra endurance athlete I need to consume about the same amount of protein as a bodybuilder, that’s about twice the amount as a sedentary person. This is to repair muscles after large amounts of time running.
That's where Purition comes in, I wake up most days at 5am and get to work making a super duper green protein smoothie, I add a large handful of organic spinach, blueberries, strawberries, cherrys, a banana, oat milk and finally I scoop in 50 grams of Purition to give me a nice combination of healthy fats and a big bang of protein.
I don’t stop there, in the middle of the day I will have another super duper green protein smoothie. These smoothies do not replace my breakfast and lunch they are in addition and so this is how with the help of Purition I reach my protein goal for the day.
Purition is low carb, does this help?
The fact that Purition is low carb makes it easy for me as an ultra runner to allow my body to use fat as fuel. When running for such long distances it’s impossible to consume as many calories as I burn.
At some point the energy I use during running will come from my body fat storage (not that I have much). By using Purition I’m training my body to use my fat stores as fuel whilst repairing muscle from the protein and supporting cell growth with the natural fats contained in Purition. Think of it this way, imagine your body is a truck which is pulling a tanker of petrol.
When the trucks own petrol tank runs empty it can go no further but how about if the truck could access the petrol from the tanker its pulling, then the truck could drive on for much much longer. This is the same as our bodies, if we can get our bodies to use our fat stores as fuel we will never run out of energy and not need to consume all those carbs.
What’s your favourite way to have Purition while out on the trails?
This summer whilst out in America on the Appalachian trail I will wake up at 3:30am and be on the trail running by 4am. Each day I will aim to run 55 miles (this is what’s needed to break the world record) that means my calorie consumption will be around 8000 to 12000 calories per day. I will have a crew with me who will have a crew car containing all my nutritional requirements. They will meet me approximately every 10 to 20 miles and you better believe that each time I roll into a meet point the first thing I will ask for is my Purition smoothie.
Purition is proud to be fuelling Kristian Ultra as he attempts to cross the Appalachian trail and we wish him the very best of luck in his challenge.
Find out more about using Purition to support an active lifestyle.
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